🚀 Proud to announce the launch of IntoNetZero!

The energy transition presents an unprecedented economic hashtagopportunity for communities across the UK. IntoNetZero will help ensure young people from all backgrounds can benefit from these opportunities.

As a UK-wide not-for-profit, we’re focused on supporting young people, with a special emphasis on traditionally underrepresented groups. Our mission is to build awareness of new energy jobs, inspire rewarding careers, and create pathways for diverse entrepreneurs to launch their own businesses.

A huge thank you to the Barclays Eagle Labs team in Glasgow for hosting our hashtagScotlandLaunch, Launch Foods for providing breakfast and coffee, and Calypso Tech for capturing the event with fantastic video footage and photos.

Special thanks to Anas Sarwar, leader of the Scottish Labour Party, for his keynote and for his ongoing support, my co-founders Anthony Harte and Gareth Dauley, and Nicole Doig Bustamante who shared some of her inspiring journey with us on the day.

If you’re keen to support us through hashtagsponsorship, hashtagpartnership, hashtagmentoring, or providing hashtagservices, please reach out! And don’t forget to follow us here at IntoNetZero to stay updated.

Finally, a heartfelt thank you to everyone who joined us, especially those who traveled from afar, and our incredible behind-the-scenes team The Giving Department, for all your support over the last year. We wouldn’t be here without you! 💡🌍

Bernie Gray, Kiara Goodwin, Steve Wickham, Mark Newby, Nathalie Cutting, Caro Melendez, Junaid Ashraf, Emma Lamont, Amy Burnett, Farah Hussain, Leah Pape, Paula Holland, Adam Smith, Euan McLeod, Garry Boyle, Gordon McGuinness, Andrew Rodden, Holly Smith, Emma Corse, Danielle Shand, Jason Walsh-McDonald, Jack Greenwood, Claire Reid, Uzma Khan, Kirsty Reid, Rachel Tulloch, Susan Paterson FIEP, Michelle Frost, Paul Edalere, Women in New Energy

hashtagEnergyTransition hashtagNetZero hashtagIntoNetZero hashtagEntrepreneurship hashtagDiversityInEnergy hashtagEmployment hashtagEducation hashtagMentoring hashtagInspiration