“I need a role model”…. are words I often hear from students across the U.K.

Together with Beena Sharma & Anthony Harte we’re helping to address this gap by establishing IntoNetZero, a campaign to dramatically increase the number of
hashtagdiverse people entering and finding success in the new energy sector.

IntoNetZero will build awareness of recently created jobs, inspire rewarding careers and nurture opportunities to start new businesses.

Thanks to Dame Ann Limb DBE DL for opening the event and City & Guilds for hosting. Thanks Jacqueline Chinwe Stephen for her inspiring words and Parminder Kohli for his words of encouragement. If you want to get involved contact myself or the co-founders Beena Sharma or Anthony Harte

hashtagnetzero hashtagcareers hashtagenergytransition hashtagintonetzero hashtagjobs hashtagdiversity hashtagesg